Bird Sense: What It’s Like to Be a Bird, by Tim Birkhead

This one was a disappointment. Totally got taken in by the cover and the subtitle. Doesn’t a book about life like a bird sound fascinating? Well, this wasn’t it. In essence, this was a book setting out to prove that birds have the same five senses as humans, plus a magnetic sense for navigation, and, potentially, emotions. Spoiler: they do; it’s been proven by lots of different tests (if you needed those to believe that birds do have multiple senses). So this book is really for a bird nerd, a zoology student, or someone interested in reading about how scientists go about confirming questions through tests.

Some general observations: 

1) Birds are weird, complex, and smelly. 

2) I think science is really trying to overthink why birds do a lot of what they do. Does everything that any living creature does have to be rooted in its will to survive? Does a creature even HAVE a will to survive, much less make a “positive genetic match” for future generations? You certainly can’t say that a bird makes a decision like that, then rule out their ability to reason or emote. 

3) I don’t feel bad at all about being a cat lady when I see bird people in action.

4) I think most animals have some sort of emotional range, but we project the same TYPES of fears and/or conclusions from fear upon them. For instance, do animals “rage” against death like we 21st Century humans do? Or are they at peace with how the food chain functions? Perhaps that is why they may not show distress, even if they are in pain? 

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