One Smart Sheep, by Gary D. Schmidt and Elizabeth Stickney

Love the illustrations, love the feel-good animal story, love the sweet almost-romance. This would be a really fun read-aloud to, I feel, second and third graders. Short chapters are perfect for readers to beg for “one more!” All the whimsy you’d want in a children’s book, without losing the smarts of a “grown up” Gary D. Schmidt.

Wilson is too smart for his own good. When his owner buys a new piano for her little red house on a hill, he decides to check it out for himself–and finds himself on an unexpected trip to the big city.

But Abigail misses Wilson, so she wrangles her neighbor Jeremiah to help her track him down. But Wilson is so smart, he may not even need to be tracked down. Indulge in this quick, lovely story, with just the perfect illustrations to capture the smiley mood.

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