Tag: hari seldon

  • Forward the Foundation, by Isaac Asimov

    The story jumps by decades, smoothly highlighting the key moments in Hari Seldon’s pursuit for developing the mathematics of psychohistory. Many times, he feels like the Project has plateaued, but just when he is beginning to despair, a person intervenes in an unexpected way to rejuvenate everything. Really, this is psychohistory—“people” moving in a steady…

  • Prelude to Foundation, by Isaac Asimov

    Prelude to Foundation, by Isaac Asimov

    Hari Seldon accidentally became the most sought-after person on Trantor when he delivered an academic paper on psychohistory. This takes him on the run for the next several months, since, in general, the people who seek him are seeking to imprison him and use his ideas for their gain. His attempts to find safety take…

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